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In life, there are so many things that you should be doing or investing your time into. But there is one important investment that will make all the difference. That is investing into your spirit within.

You are doing this all the time, but the things you are investing in may not be helping your spirit.

It is time for you to invest in the right things because doing so will transform your life into something amazing.

Check out my new ministry corner about this below:

Ministry Corner – What Are You Investing Into?

Audio Podcast


What are you investing into? There’s many things you can invest into, but I’m not talking about just any investment. I’m talking about investing into the most important thing in your life, and that is the spirit deep inside of you. Today, I’m going to show you how to do that.

Investing in your spirit is the most important thing that you can do in your life. But what does that actually mean? How do you do that? You see deep down inside of you, your spirit is the most important part of you. It is the core of who you are. And the thing is that your spirit changes very easily. It can change all the time, depending on what you put into it.

Your Spirit Reacts

You see, your spirit is very sensitive. And this is both good and bad. It means that you can change your spirit for the good. But it also means that you can very easily cause problems in your life because you put bad things into your spirit. All of us have something that we invest our time and effort into in our lives.

Everyone has that one major investment in their life. It could be anything. It could be Your career. You invest all your time and energy into pursuing a career in this life. Perhaps you’re an artist. You like to invest time into developing your artistic skill. Maybe you like to do something technical, like woodwork, or something with your hands.

Everyone has something that they like doing in their life. Perhaps you invest into something more digital, like programming or learning computer programs and skills like that. These are all different things we can invest our time and energy into. And you’ll notice often that there’s one major thing in your life that you’ll invest your time and energy into.

And when you do that, that skill will grow. Whatever you invest time and effort into will yield results. That is the law of life. That is the law of sowing and reaping, it is how life works. That’s because your spirit within you is being changed. What you are investing into is changing your spirit within you.

It’s changing who you are at the deepest level. And you’ll find the more you do that, you invest in one thing, that skill will grow and it will yield results. But many other things in your life will begin to fall away. Perhaps for a long time you did something very specific. You worked in a certain area.

Perhaps you were into artistic skills and painting or drawing. And then you stopped and you started doing something else. And you found that skill begun to die away. The passion for it died away. The ability to just step in and do it, is gone now. Whatever it was, that skill, that ability, perhaps you still have it, but it’s not sharp anymore.

You can’t just get in there and do it. You got to kind of get back in the flow if you want to go back to it because you’ve been doing something different now. Well, you see, your spirit within you, that’s how it works. It’ll focus on whatever you are putting in right now, and it can change so quick in your life.

Times of Change

Perhaps for a long time you wanted to serve God, and you invested into learning his word, into hearing his voice. But then maybe you had an experience where you stopped doing that, and now you’re just investing into worldly things, or abilities and other skills, and you’ve lost that sharp edge in your life.

You see, your spirit within you, it can change your life so powerfully. Your spirit within you is the real you. It is the thing that controls your life. And if you’re having problems in your life very often, it’s because of your spirit within you and what you are investing into it. So what are you investing into it?

What do you take the time to put into your spirit or into your mind? Because often it’s words and pictures that you put into your mind that will go down into your spirit and change it. So what do you take time to watch? Perhaps you watch videos online. What kinds of videos are you watching? Are you watching good videos that tell you positive things, that teach you something, or show you about the Word of God?

Or, perhaps you’re watching weird, negative videos on the internet. Maybe you’re watching videos about the current state of the world and how bad it is. That’s gonna paint a bad picture in your spirit. What words do you speak? What words come out of your spirit? You know, some people are so positive. They’re always saying the right, the good things.

They’re always saying God is good. And they’re always positive. They’re saying I’m blessed, I’m having a great day. They never seem to be negative. Other people on the other hand, they’re always saying the negative. They’re always saying, my life is bad. Oh, everything’s going wrong. I’m sick again. My husband is treating me bad. My wife, she’s not the person I married.

My friends, they’re not who they used to be. My life is bad. Where is God in all this? If those are the kinds of words coming out of your spirit, then there’s something wrong down there. You need to bring it back to life.

The Seed and the Sower

You see, in the word God gave us this example. He talks about it in the parable of the seed and the sower.

He talked about how someone went to sow a seed, but the ground was hard and dry, and the seed couldn’t lay down any roots. He tried to sow it where there was thorns, but as those seeds grew up, the thorns smothered them and killed them and stopped them from growing. But when he sowed on the right ground, then those seeds sprung up full of life, and full of what they were meant to be.

Your spirit within you is like this. It can become dry and thorny and not be what it should be. And if your life doesn’t feel like it’s going the way it should, if you feel like you’re depressed and you have no energy. If you feel like everything’s wrong and all you can see is the negative in your mind, it could be that your spirit is dried up.

But you know, it’s very easy to bring it back to life. You can start investing in the right things. You can start investing back into the Word of God because that is your foundation and what you should have as a Christian. Reading the Word, just spending time reading it, just spending time reading those promises God gave you, talking about how he has blessed you and how he wants good for you.

That’ll bring your spirit back to life. Not only that, but God wants you to have a relationship with Him, to come back to the place where you are talking to Him, where you are listening to His voice deep in your spirit.

Wrong Investments

You see, we often, when we feel depressed and we don’t feel like going on, we often just invest into the things in this world.

Perhaps you just invest into your hobbies or your activities that you enjoy doing. Perhaps you want to watch movies, or you want to watch sports on TV, or maybe you just invest all your time and energy into your career. None of these things are bad necessarily, but when you put them above What God wants for you, your spirit is going to dry up, and it’s not going to be full of life the way that it should be.

1 Timothy 4:8 says, For discipline of the body has little advantage, but godliness has every advantage, holding the promise of a full life in your present circumstances and also what is coming in the future.

Investing into your spirit is the most important thing that you can do. More so even than physically keeping your body healthy or even keeping your mind healthy because you see your spirit is the most important investment. It’s the deepest part of you. And if you invest into it, your entire life will begin to change.

There’s nothing wrong with investing into the things in this world with investing into skills and abilities and things that you will need for your career or for your life.

But you must put God first in your life. You must put His word first, and you must put a relationship with Him first. And you’ll begin to see that He has actually put desires in your heart. Maybe He has put a desire in your heart to go out and do things in this world. But you can’t do that until your spirit is alive.

Because when your spirit is alive and full of life, then anything that you invest into will grow. Anything that you do will grow. The ground is fertile and ready. Any skills you do in the natural will grow and increase and be more powerful than ever before, because you put God first and you put his word first and you put a relationship with him first.

Time to Sharpen Your Spirit

Don’t lose the sharp edge in your spirit. Don’t let your spirit dry up because you forgot to take the time to be with him. It’s so easy to just come back to that place of investing into your spirit, of listening to the Word of God, listening to preachers and people out there who give you positive words and the rhema words coming from God, and your spirit will come back to life.

And when your spirit comes back to life, Your entire life will come back into order. Your body will come back into order. If you’re feeling energy less, you’ll suddenly have the energy again to go on because you’ve got an excitement in your spirit that’ll bring life and joy back into your life.

I hope this has inspired you to realize just to think about the things you are investing in.

Just doing that alone is gonna change your life. Just realizing that, you know, I should spend more time investing into good things and the things of God. Investing into watching good videos, listening to good words, being around people who speak positive will bring a change in your life. Just thinking about that is all you need to start to change your life around.

Now, if you are blessed by this video, then like it, subscribe to the channel if you haven’t, and share this video with anybody who needs it. And I will see you in the next video.