What is the one thing that you would like to do more than anything else?

For me it was always drawing. Ever since I was young I just loved drawing, but I was never any good at it. I still remember how I used to sit and draw little stick figures. All of this changed when I discovered how to draw better. I found a book about drawing that took me step by step, and ever since I have been drawing and I still love to do it.

If you know me I am sure that you have seen a few of my comics. I publish them often, though lately I have not done so many.

So that is one of the things I really desire to do. Because I desired to do it so much I would often wonder if this was what God has called me to do. After all I had been doing it for years and I had the desire to do it.

That is what I thought for a while, but the Lord started to show me that it was not what He had called me to do. He had called me to something much higher. But even after He showed me this I still have this strong desire to draw.

Is it wrong that I have this desire?

No it is not wrong that you desire to do something like this. And God can even use this ability and passion that you have for the extension of His kingdom. But I had to come to the place where I let go of my desire to do that and gave it to the Lord. I had to be ready that He could say that I must let it go and never draw again.

But the truth is that God wants to fulfill the desires of your heart. He does not want to take everything away from you. Most of the time if you have a desire and you really want to use it for the Lord, it is because He put it there and He will make a plan for you to fulfill that desire.

That is what I believe is the case with me. I have an ability that I can use for the Lord, but it is not the only thing I am called to do, it is a tool that can be used.

Perhaps you have a desire or a dream like this and you do not know if it is what God wants you to do.

Well there is a very simple thing you can do. Just give it to the Lord and let Him decide. He will make it clear to you if it is His will. And most of the time if you really want to use it for Him He will make a way. But you must also be ready that He could take it away because He has something better for you.

And when He gives you something better, you do not need to worry because it will not be a bad gift or something that is forced upon you. It will be an answer to the desire of your heart.

At the time of writing this my father has covered this in his new course “Fulfill Your Destiny

You may think it is not the most important thing right now. But finding your destiny is the most important thing that you can do in your life. Your destiny is what you are going to do with your life and be remembered for. God does have a destiny for you, and it includes both your desires and what He has called you to.

I personally was very challenged by this recently when I looked at myself. It made me realise what I was doing with my life. It also made me see that I needed clear direction. You might be tempted to get discouraged when you look at your life and what you are doing. But you must not let it discourage you. Because if you are not fulfilling your destiny right now then that means it can only get better from here.

God’s Call

Sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference between the call of God and the things that you want to do in life. But when you find your destiny then you discover where all of these things fit.

But even if you do not yet know where you are going there is only one way to get there and that is to start doing something. Reach out to the Lord and ask Him to show you where to go from here and to make things clear to you. Because He does have that special plan for you.

It is time to get excited again and go find your destiny. I hope that this article was an inspiration to you and that you ready to go out and conquer the world. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think. Ask questions, and if I can answer them I will.