Have you ever had this experience:

Someone tells you to look at something in the distance. They can clearly see it and they are trying to get you to see it. But as hard as you try you just can’t seem to see what they are trying to show you.

Then suddenly after them explaining it for a while you finally see it. And then you can see clearly what they are talking about.

But then you’re still not sure if you are seeing what they want you to see.

It gets even worse if you add something like binoculars. Because when you look through them you can only see a small part of what is in the distance and you have to keep looking around to find what you want to see.

I remember the first time I tried to use binoculars, I could not get them to focus properly. I thought they were pretty much useless to me. Until someone showed me you can turn a little dial on the top to make it focus for your eyes.

Both of these pictures are an example of what could be happening in your spiritual life right now.

First, the Lord is speaking to you and He can see clearly what is in store for you up ahead. But you just cannot seem to see it. No matter how hard you try it is not clear to you yet.

So you try to see it, but the image is blurry and you don’t know how you will ever see what God has promised you.

The Lord says to you:

Do not try to look to the future and what lies up ahead now my child. For your plans are set by me and me alone.

Look instead to me now and let me direct you and show you the way. For I am your source and I am your guiding light.

When you look in your own eyes and with your own strength you will never see the promises I have given you. For I see more than what you see.

You see the problems of this life and the attack of the enemy. You see the things that can go wrong. But I see only success and blessing says the Lord.

Now as you come to the end of another year and the beginning of a new one. It is time to set your sights on me. Look to me first before anything else. And I will then take you and lead you to what you cannot see. I will show you what you have never seen before.

I will make the image clear to you. So that when you are done you will know without a doubt where you are going and the blessing that has been promised to you says the Lord.